Even with the weather, Sandra Carlborg (Alingsas, Sweden) and Mark Costello (Kulpmont, Pa.) were the ones emerging victorious last Tuesday evening, winning the Atlantic City Boardwalk Bash while hitting off of Synthetic Turf International’s EZ Tee Poly surface.
The opening event presented some of the more challenging conditions seen in recent memory at a World Long Drive competition. Aside from the weather, the width of the grid measured around 45 yards in total, meaning a narrower landing area than the typical 55-65 yard wide setup. The competitors played on Synthetic Turf International’s Pro Ball Turf with EZTee Poly discs cut into the surface to hold the golf tee.
STI is the exclusive turf provider for several World Long Drive Events this year Along with providing the turf, STI also installed it on location at each event. Be sure to be on the lookout during the live coverage as the season progresses for our logos and turf.
In the Open (Men’s) Division, Costello inched by Ryan Steenberg (Rochester, N.Y) – literally. Both competitors hit drives of 344 yards in their set – with Costello’s coming on his eighth and final ball – forcing a playoff where Costello took advantage of his good fortune to claim the victory with a 350-yard drive in the playoff that Steenberg wasn’t able to match.
The Atlantic City Boardwalk Bash marked the fourth official event of the 2018 World Long Drive season, as Justin Moose claimed the East Coast Classic in Columbia, South Carolina in March, while Alexis Belton and Will Hogue won the Clash in the Canyon in Mesquite, Nevada in April. Meti and Hogue won the Ak-Chin Smash in the Sun in Maricopa, Arizona last month.
June 21 – 22 June 23 | VWLDC Qualifying Bluff City Shootout Tour Event | Open Open | Memphis, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. | Yes |
July 6 – 7 July 8 | VWLDC Qualifying Bash for Cash Tour Event | Open Open | Ontario, Canada Ontario, Canada | Yes |
August 2 – 3 August 4 | VWLDC Qualifying WinStar Midwest Slam Tour Event | Open Open | Okla./Texas Border Okla./Texas Border | Yes |
August 12 – 13 | Tennessee Big Shots benefiting Niswonger Children’s Hospital Tour Event *Golf Channel | Open | Women’s | Kingsport, Tenn. | No |
August 30 – September 5 | Volvik World Long Drive Championship *Golf Channel | Open | Women’s | Masters | Okla./Texas Border |